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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

selena gomez braces

selena gomez braces. on selena gomez but nothing Selena gomez half brother hot pics Healthy and random observations about Miley+cyrus+races+on+back+of+teeth
  • on selena gomez but nothing Selena gomez half brother hot pics Healthy and random observations about Miley+cyrus+races+on+back+of+teeth

  • aafuss1
    Aug 7, 03:46 AM
    Logic-already runs great on 32 bit Intel Macs. A update-v 7.3 that includes additional optimisations for Mac Pro users would be welcome.
    V8-could do the same, although my Babya Logic Pro 2 (http://babyasoftwaregr.livejournal.com/53070.html)

    selena gomez braces. of Go on selena gomez are
  • of Go on selena gomez are

  • imnotatfault
    Aug 19, 09:43 AM
    Yeah. let's hope... But my confidence in the ability of others to be as smart and cool as I was never developed as a child.

    I've just been surprised by all the calls (almost frenzy-like) by others on this thread (it seems you and I are pretty much on the same page as I just read your comments you entered while I was entering my own) to make the iPod, basically, an all-in-one type peice of crap. I have honestly asked why they really need this and have only sen one (maybe two) cool, albeit niche-type, uses.

    While some may say Steve is mercurial, I hope in this case he is 1) on my side here, 2) just as mercurial and controlling as rumored and 3) pays no attention to this thread or any polls in which like-minded individuals participate.

    Well put. And I think outside of the hardcore businessy types, those features are really lost on the everday person. My girlfriend has a Dell Axim, and it was really fun to write with a stylus and put my to-do list in and put stuff into the calendar. Two weeks later, I pulled it out to play a game of Solitaire then turned it back off.

    I KNOW this isn't what Apple intends, and by doing this, they'd alienate the market they worked so hard to gain over, which are casual users who don't know much about technology (which is why they stick with PC--comfort, not active choice).

    selena gomez braces. mar selena gomez cant
  • mar selena gomez cant

  • Krizoitz
    Mar 20, 02:46 PM
    People (even in Japan) say Macs are too expensive ! Ive been to Akihabara in Tokyo and Den den Town in Osaka ! Ive lived in Japan for 5 years. Yes, the Ipod has been popular in Japan BUT a hell of alot more people buy IBMs here eg: Toshiba, Hitachi and Sony.

    The difference is that Toshiba, Hitachi and Sony are all Japanese companies. They don't have to pay the import taxes, and Japanese industries are a lot more protected in terms of foreign competition than American companies are because the govt is allowed alot more connection to them. Thats just the way it is.

    Its similar to Europe and Airbus, because Airbus is a european company the gov'ts over there give them support and tax breaks and such. Boeing can't get that same kind of subsidization because of U.S. laws and policies. I think unfair trade laws are one of the US's biggest problems. But thats a topic for another forum.

    The point is made in Japan (or atleast a company from Japan) will have cheaper products that an American based company.

    selena gomez braces. Taylor Lautner Selena Gomez in
  • Taylor Lautner Selena Gomez in

  • jgould
    Feb 21, 04:02 PM
    Anyway, on topic, setup. The Macbook is nearing retirement. Bonus points if you know what film that is on the screen (I just did an analysis of the score for my Film Music class at Uni).

    No idea what film that is, but I do spy Handbrake on the MacBook, which looks identical to the one that I just retired. My optical drive in that machine was starting to go, I think. Only thing I've used the one in the new MacBook Pro for is to reinstall the OS after I got it...

    selena gomez braces. Selena Gomez | Scarves amp; Wraps
  • Selena Gomez | Scarves amp; Wraps

  • mavis
    Sep 15, 12:09 AM
    I always think it's odd when someone would join the board the same of day of their post simply to write something very negative like this which flies in the face of most user experiences. :rolleyes:

    Then allow me to confirm what he said. I cannot use my iPhone 4 at home without a case; every other phone I've owned (including several iPhones) has always shown full signal in every room in the house. The iPhone 4's antenna problem is real, and listening to Apple sheep swear up and down that it's not doesn't change the fact that my iPhone 4 says "No Signal" when I make the mistake of holding it in my left hand. :rolleyes:

    selena gomez braces. selena gomez demi lovato
  • selena gomez demi lovato

  • freeny
    Sep 6, 09:49 AM
    Just as others, I am waiting on the merom MBP. People are ansy about this because the current MBP is known to those who knew about the merom as a "place holder" until the actual install of the merom. the merom was built for laptops and of course the laptops will be the last machines to actually recieve it. The order in which apple is updating their computers with this new chip is not logical to the consumer but may very well be logical to apple $$$.

    selena gomez braces. between Selena Gomez and
  • between Selena Gomez and

  • TerryJ
    Jul 14, 12:12 PM
    I don't see any reason any manufacture would cripple their own storage capacity when they obviously have other options. If its no for the first generation of discs and players, then coroporate rigmroll is the reason to blame for HD-DVD winning out because that is just STUPID.
    I agree. It's really stupid.

    If Blu-ray studios authored their discs in VC-1 and DD+ or TruHD... the whole HD DVD picture/sound "advantage" would be moot. But they are not. (At least, not yet anyway.)

    One possibility is that they are just trying to rush stuff out the door (to counter HD DVD's time advantage), and it's easier/faster to author in MPEG2 (with existing tools). At least they can say "we have product out there", even though that product sucks.

    But apparently not wanting to use a Microsoft codec is another.


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  • selena gomez braces. selena

  • Silentwave
    Jul 14, 02:55 AM
    The BDR-101 is actually a writer as well as a reader, and to be fair at $1000 [or rather around �650.00 over this side of the pond] it's pretty well priced when considering the cost of the first batch of DVD writers, eg. the Pioneer DVR-S201 authoring drive that retailed at a whacking cost of �12,000! General media writers were by definition significantly cheaper, but I recall purchasing our first DVD-R writer at a cost of around �350.00, with DVD-R5 blank media at around �15.00 a pop - so the economies of scale, etc., IMO makes BD at a pretty good starting point.

    As for the Sony BD story I feel a lot of people are indeed watching how well the PS3 takes off to then try and validate the outcome and success of BD. But as you rightly said it's historic and as with the PS2 being such a huge success story which then solidified the consumer need for DVD as a new medium; certainly in Japan the green lights shone very brightly for DVD as a consequence of the PS2 success story!

    But all in all personally speaking I hope BD wins; from a technical viewpoint it's able to offer a lot of new and quite exciting features that aren't possible on HD-DVD. And I know my next statement is probably going to cause controversy but HD-DVD is [in simple terms] simply a DVD-Video, but with larger capacity! I know that's generalising A LOT!!

    Yes, HD-DVD requires a lot less re-tooling for replication houses, which in turn means it's cheaper to bring to market BUT BD has a lot to offer and I hope and prey it's given a chance!

    Anyway, here's to hoping... ;)

    While im all for BR, I don't think the PS3 will be the #1 promoter for it, and I don't thnk the PS2 did all that much. For a few weeks maybe it was my only DVD player when another broke or when we moved one into another room to make way for a new one that hadn't arrived- but really it is limited- not necessarily going to be the best quality BR player, and to be honest, people will buy it because it's a game console. I think that in the future it will be multipurpose devices yet again, yes, but of a different sort. I'm now on my 2nd DVD burner TiVo and I wouldn't trade it for the world. I've burned over 60 DVDs worth so far. If someone makes one Blu-Ray, i'll be all over it as soon as I can afford it. And who knows, the tech savvy may head more for media center computers to drive their home theaters?
    So while I think that devices with multiple funcitons will have an effect here, I don't think the PS3 will drive BR to domination on its own.

    selena gomez braces. selena gomez braces. selena
  • selena gomez braces. selena

  • hulugu
    Nov 29, 08:58 PM
    Why are we still talking about the Zune. Does anyone really care? It's just another mp3 player among so many others behind iPod. :rolleyes:

    It will never match the iPod's popularity, ever.

    I think the feeling was, this is the last full measure for anyone expecting to knock the iPod off its pedestal without a serious sea-change in technology, to mix my metaphors a little.

    Sony tried, Dell tried, Creative is trying, and really only Samsung and SanDisk are having any success. The real threat it appeared was from Microsoft who could use their money and leverage the support of WMA, the XBox, and other technologies to support the Zune.

    Instead, Microsoft made a clunky box, reinvented the software wheel, and severed the Zune from all the PlaysForSure companies. The only real leverage the Zune has is it's connection with the XBox, which the iPod can do as well. The Zune is a massive duplication of effort, and will surely do more to eliminate the smaller players in the market, such as SanDisk, than affect the iPod's sales.

    Furthermore, I would ask anyone to avoid buying the Zune, no one should reward Microsoft for releasing a product that is effectively unfinished. Really for $250.00 you get to do their beta testing, and that's not a privilege anyone should have to endure.

    selena gomez braces. selena gomez braces.
  • selena gomez braces.

  • jashic
    Oct 23, 07:08 PM
    me too. i can easily picture them sitting behind the screen biting their nails while hoping new mbp's are not released. then they have the incredible urge to post totally useless comments because they can't bare the fact that their mbp is about to be outdated.

    haha! i love it!

    errr...how about the fact that I've been enjoying my MBP for months now while you've been waiting and replying on this board for those same months on whatever ancient machine you currently own? I dunno about you, but I've enjoyed these months of screaming performance while on the road. But hopefully for you, the months of checking this website on a daily basis wishing you had a MBP pays off this week.

    selena gomez braces. Justin bieber selena gomez
  • Justin bieber selena gomez

  • kiljoy616
    Mar 26, 01:43 AM
    That just blows my mind!:)

    That is one impressive tablet so much power and so thing. That would mean that the camera makes even less sense now considering the gpu and cpu capacity.

    selena gomez braces. races on selena gomez
  • races on selena gomez

  • richardsim7
    Mar 24, 05:51 PM
    As for the person who said the sound quality sucks, I don't know what the hell they're smoking. Maybe they should stop using the default earphones and buy some decent ones, cause the sound quality is perfect!

    That would be me ;)

    And yes, the quality does suck. I don't think Shure SCL3's are hardly "low end" headphones. My iPhone sounds miles better than my iPod and it's a real shame, because even my old iPod 5G (Video) sounds better :(

    selena gomez braces. selena gomez 2011 oscars,
  • selena gomez 2011 oscars,

    Jan 30, 05:44 AM
    Best handling car i have ever driven.... have a 5 month old little boy though so i think its days are numbered in favour of a truck!

    selena gomez braces. of races braces traditional
  • of races braces traditional

  • kalun
    Oct 23, 11:00 PM
    Meanwhile, product checks (http://www.appleinsider.com/article.php?id=2163) indicate that several European hardware distributers "ran dry" of MacBook and MacBook Pro inventory several weeks ago.

    Well, in Japan, there are enough Macbook Pro so that it is shipped within 24 hours. so...ya....

    selena gomez braces. selena gomez games
  • selena gomez games

  • mtbdudex
    Apr 21, 11:13 AM
    Time to hide my iPhone file from the wife:rolleyes:

    Seriously......privacy issues seem all over the place in this digital age....here is another example.

    I guess we need a law disclosing if such and such device tracks you and needs to disclose that to you clearly via a warning label/other....

    selena gomez braces. Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez
  • Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez

  • aznguyen316
    Sep 14, 10:40 PM
    The BB I got my Griffin case from also had a couple other griffin gloss ones of hard plastic in bright blue, black - although it was more smoke/gray, and I forget, one other color. You can check stock on bestbuy.com search for ipod 4th and it'll come up with a few cases and etc for it. then do check store inventory. good luck!

    selena gomez braces. Selena Gomez#39;s debut album
  • Selena Gomez#39;s debut album

  • thejadedmonkey
    Jul 18, 09:03 AM
    [Fast downloads] would only be viable via streaming, and that won't happen because you can't stream to an iPod.

    Therefore, we can expect a big download. I imagine the movies will be the same quality as can be found currently in the store. . .
    Not ture. Apple could do a movie stream per rental, and let the CPU capture and convert it into a high-res iPod playable file. This way, after an hour or so you'll have a file playable on your iPod's lower res screen, or you can choose to watch it on the computer with a higher quality right away.

    selena gomez braces. selena gomez buzz
  • selena gomez buzz

  • Xero910
    Mar 31, 10:11 AM
    Regarding the launchpad... I can't remove applications anymore...
    When I click "option" the icons get to "shake" but there is not X sign to click to delete the app... they just wiggle and can't be deleted.
    Any of you the same?

    Also very difficult to move them around...

    In my experience launchpad was working better on preview 1!

    Yea it's a little buggy right now. You can delete apps the same as as before with some added frustration.

    1. Press and hold, CMD+OPT+CTRL (so they all wiggle)
    2. Next press and hold one app until they stop wiggling.
    3. Now click the apps you want once to delete them.
    4. Make sure you hold those 3 keys throughout all steps.

    The only thing I haven't figured out yet is adding apps manually. When I drag them to the LaunchPad icon, nothing happens.

    selena gomez braces. Selena Gomez was on hand as a
  • Selena Gomez was on hand as a

  • wmmk
    Jul 13, 11:02 PM
    Will I be able to get a reasonably priced apple laptop with merom, 802.11n, blueray burner, possibly HD, and leopard (or whatever 10.6 is called) in late 2007 or early 2008?

    Jan 11, 05:19 PM
    I would love a Mac like that if it was the same price as the current MacBooks.

    Nov 27, 09:04 PM

    Let's look at the facts.

    20" Apple $699 - Dell $399
    23" Apple $999 - Dell $799 (24")
    30" Apple $1999 - Dell $1499

    Those are real numbers. Dell has brighter specs, more connection options, and with the 23" they have a 24" that's still $200 cheaper.

    What imaginary planet are you on? $300, $200, and $500 difference in price respectively. That's real money. And it pressures people into considering a Dell. (Bad Apple!) All you are really getting for those extra hundres of dollars is a display that looks nice with your mini, MBP, or MP.

    You claim that Apple's monitors are selling well, but you have no facts to back that up. Apple doesn't post their sales numbers for products like this so you're just making it up. Those sales numbers could suck a$$ and you wouldn't know. And I believe they do suck, but Apple won't tell you that, it sucks because they want them to suck. Keep reading.

    I believe Apple does this to encourage people to buy iMacs. If your willing to pony up $2400 or more on a Mac Pro then maybe an extra $500 doesn't bother you for the two 30" displays your going to use, and if all you can afford is mini Apple doesn't seem to mind you buying that Dell monitor. By pricing the monitors several hundred more than they are really worth, you are now in the iMac price range. I bet if you could see and add up the numbers, buying a mini and an over priced cinema display gives Apple the same profit margin as an iMac. Apple doesn't have a mid range tower. Again, because they want to sell you an iMac. By keeping their product line simple they reduce costs; making one widget as apposed to five different widgets is cheaper. But that limits choice.

    I have an iMac, but I really don't want one. I want a mid-range tower and an external monitor. I'm not alone either. Apple's monitor price is a "choice incentive". It may help their bottom line, but it limits my choice. And since I hate Windows I'm forced into Apple's program. This is really what people are complaining about here. They want a mini and 20" cinema for under $1000, and I want a 23" and tower for under $2000, not a 24" iMac!

    So, back to a 17" cinema. Why would Apple do this? I don't think they will. A 17" iMac is only $899. That's where they make their money, oh, and people like me willing to pay premium because we value esthetics.

    Didn't you read this post and the article attached?

    "but, that's not worth the extra dollars for me"

    Ding-Ding-Ding! You answered all of your above complaints and whining about Apple's prices. You aren't the target audience for their displays.

    (note: I would suggest you see my comp specs and gear below before reading my post further)

    Perhaps it is an oversight of Apples that they sell both consumer and pro-sumer computers, and yet only offer a pro-sumer monitor. However considering that 2 of the 3 consumer computers by Apple have built in monitors, and the 3rd is meant to be used with exisiting mouse, keyboard and monitor, it may not be such a big deal.

    Also, if you want cheaper, there exists cheaper. It's not as if Apple is robbing you of much needed options in montior selection by not offering a cheap monitor. Any monitor made today will work with your Mac. The only thing they are robbing you of is their design.

    Now don't anyone bring up the "Apple is bad because of what I can get from Dell" topic again until you read this very carefully (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=252327)
    In summery though, Apple uses a different, far more advanced color accurate panel for their monitors. This allows them certification that they pay for. They also pay someone with a design background to make the casing, and don't have the EE's do it like at some companies :rolleyes:

    Now, back on topic :)

    I was in the "Apple needs to make a 17" monitor" crowd for a long time. Than I bought a cheap 20" wide display, and I love it. I suppose with Photography and a few games here and there, there is a reason I'm inclined to now say I wouldn't use a smaller screen. But unless Apple wants to sell a consumer display (which they don't currently do), to be used with the Mac Mini, I really don't see much of a reason for Apple to do it. A pro-sumer 17" display is useless and pointless IMHO. If you have a 3 grand G5 doing professional graphics/video work, you aren't going to buy a pro-sumer 17" monitor for $400 :rolleyes:

    That said, if Apple had offered a consumer level 20" wide monitor at a similar price point to Dells, I'd have bought it hands down.

    It's clearly known that Apple monitors are pro quality and Dell ones are cheap consumer quality, hence the price difference...

    Dont Hurt Me
    Mar 19, 03:23 PM
    I don't argue that their strategy is wrong. They are a profitable, debt-free company. They obviously have some clue as to what's going on.

    However, as a Mac lover on a budget, I hate only having the option of an iMac or an eMac. I dislike both of them. I dislike the design and I dislike that they are essentually unupgradable. If I am going to spend money on a product, I had better like looking at it. I also don't want to have to use a G4 MDD as it's old technology. Granted, it's life is far from over but I get the impression that Apple is telling me that unless I am willing to pony up $2500.00 - $3000.00, that my only options are either old or unupgradable products.

    A Bargain PC may be a POS, but for a good group of people, it's all they can afford...and I am almost to that point. My old computer can only take me so much farther.this is exactley why marketshare has dwindled for Mac, they tell you its our way ( powermac) or if you dont submit then we will cripple the Hell out of the othermacs and leave you wanting, so the world says screw you Apple and buys a PC with everything they want in it and makes do with a OS that is less then perfect. This is why Apples new computer sales went to 1.7% of all new sales. Apple is a dictator mini monopoly.

    Mar 22, 07:44 PM
    As long as it still sells, might as well keep making it.

    Feb 23, 04:25 PM
    Diesel? Pfft!

    I'm holding out for a Chevy with a six-stroke engine (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Six-stroke_engine)...