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Monday, May 16, 2011

horses mating in the wild

horses mating in the wild. Horses Mating On The Beach BCS
  • Horses Mating On The Beach BCS

  • Adamo
    Oct 4, 08:06 AM
    I imagine they should be banned from MacWorld, but I also think it's the funniest thing I've seen today and absolutely hilarious. :)

    horses mating in the wild. Large horse mating feral
  • Large horse mating feral

  • R94N
    Apr 23, 01:36 PM
    If I'm honest I don't really like it, it's an interesting idea certainly but as long as downvoted posts aren't hidden or collapsed eventually once they reach a certain amount of downvotes I think it will be okay, because it won't change the way threads are displayed or how/if people speak their mind.

    horses mating in the wild. horses mating up close. horse
  • horses mating up close. horse

  • Suture
    Mar 26, 03:59 PM
    Man, that sucks. There's got to be something the police can do.

    I don't know if it will help you any, but you can sign your XBox gamertag up for the 360 blog (something like 360blogvoice.com I think) -- and it keeps a log of what you played on the 360 on a daily basis. Maybe see what the person is playing. I have no idea how it will help though.

    Hope you get it back.

    horses mating in the wild. Horse Mating: mating horse
  • Horse Mating: mating horse

  • MCIowaRulz
    Mar 24, 06:20 PM
    I remember using OS 10.1.5 at home when my school was hell bent on using OS 9.
    I skipped 10.2 but 10.3 and 10.4 I have this year FINALLY I am making the leap to Lion!
    With a new iMac sandy bridge:)

    horses mating in the wild. Breyer+horses+mating
  • Breyer+horses+mating

  • arn
    Apr 21, 10:37 AM

    You will notice a new feature we are testing. Each post now has an up/down arrow associated with it. Clicking on either arrow will record your vote for that post. Right now, the votes are simply tallied next to the post, but may be used in other ways in the future.

    - You must be logged in for your vote to register
    - Criteria for up/down voting should be relatively obvious. Posts you like or would like to see more of, you can up vote. Those you dislike you can downvote.
    - Please continue to use the "report" post button to report spam and other rules vioations.
    - Assume that your votes are public, even though at the moment there is no way to see how people have voted. That may change.


    horses mating in the wild. Exciteshire horse mating video
  • Exciteshire horse mating video

  • dakwar
    Mar 24, 09:58 PM
    Happy B-day OSX.

    horses mating in the wild. list of horses mating
  • list of horses mating

  • dalvin200
    Sep 12, 07:57 AM
    Yeah. I am off to bed for 4 hours. iTunes will just be frustrating given its not going to be for us I think. Maybe there will be some juciy hardware in 4 hours or so.

    u know u won;t get a seconds sleep.. cos you'll be thinking and thinking.. iPods, movie store, thinking.. and you'll be back on macrumors within 2 mins :P

    horses mating in the wild. Every Fjord Horse exhibits the
  • Every Fjord Horse exhibits the

  • stephanos180
    Apr 15, 12:59 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_1_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7E18 Safari/528.16)

    I call BS on this, Johnnie Ive wouldn't make a non rounded design like that, the lines are too harsh.

    I agree. Also, they wouldn't've made the Apple logo so small.

    horses mating in the wild. images of horses mating
  • images of horses mating

  • Rodimus Prime
    Apr 23, 01:19 AM
    So? How exactly will this affect you personally? Sounds like an imaginary demon. What exactly is your fear? Will some harm come to you?

    Why does it need to be encrypted? For what purpose?

    Ok. But for what purpose? To what end?

    What exactly do you think will be done with that information? Will you be tracked and abducted? What will be done with information that showed you were like 10km near your local Target outlet? Is this critical, private information about you?

    From what I can piece together (sometimes your grammar is shockingly bad), you're saying Apple is less up-front about collecting (*allegedly*) information that is otherwise harmless.

    And here I am thinking this was something actually worth worrying about.

    Targeted, personalized advertising. LOL. BIG FRIGGIN CONCERN!!

    I see that you truly are worshiping Apple there.
    You bashed Google Buzz on their stuff there but turn around and find this completely ok.

    There is another thread I sited a long list of examples of issues with it.
    But clearly you already have sold your soul to Apple.

    horses mating in the wild. Horse Mating: email delete
  • Horse Mating: email delete

  • D1G1T4L
    Mar 17, 05:06 PM
    Love this forum for a good laugh. Obviously the OP was wrong with what he did but love laughing at all the holier than thou responses. :D

    horses mating in the wild. horses mating up close. it is
  • horses mating up close. it is

    Apr 5, 03:11 PM
    Now the dismal iAd clickthrough rates we see do to so few ads available can be made even lower. Thanks Apple!

    horses mating in the wild. Breyer+horses+mating
  • Breyer+horses+mating

  • ct2k7
    Apr 23, 07:24 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8H7)


    All you have shown is a deep-seated fear of advertising. And it's been stated that Apple doesn't actually collect this data, so it isn't even being used for iAds.

    How exactly, specifically, will this cell phone tower tracking info compromise your personal safety? What exactly is there to fear? There must be something more than targeted advertising, which is at best an annoyance you have to live with anyway.

    Some people just don't like to be tracked. If the data fell into to hands of an untoward person, then there might be an issue.

    horses mating in the wild. Donkey and Horse Mating
  • Donkey and Horse Mating

  • Blakjack
    May 4, 07:43 AM
    just getting started...iPad 3!

    Please Stop!!

    horses mating in the wild. wild horses.
  • wild horses.

  • MacBoobsPro
    Sep 12, 07:20 AM
    Tremendously Tremendous!

    horses mating in the wild. In the wild they mostly eat
  • In the wild they mostly eat

  • toddybody
    Apr 25, 12:13 PM
    IMHO, it looks gorgeous. I'd love to have one...

    horses mating in the wild. NATURAL HORSE MATING CABALLO

  • caspersoong
    May 4, 03:16 AM
    I predict that some of my friends, Android-phone owners will want to throw their device away. Google is making things less fun for them, unless they want to root.

    horses mating in the wild. mating apr , horses mating
  • mating apr , horses mating

  • Mac-Mariachi
    Apr 5, 04:22 PM
    Apple I love you, and I love your products. I�ve been pro Apple since 1992

    But I wouldn�t download this "app" even if you paid me.

    horses mating in the wild. November 4 - My Two Horses
  • November 4 - My Two Horses

  • MattZani
    Apr 6, 05:36 PM

    2 tickets to see Source Code, brilliant.

    horses mating in the wild. Natural Horse Mating Videos
  • Natural Horse Mating Videos

  • g33
    Apr 16, 08:54 AM
    ugly as fook

    i bet its a fake

    Apr 15, 06:15 PM
    total fake, its ugly, the writing is askew, no place for an antennia, and the edges look sharp, like they will hurt!

    Mar 18, 01:17 PM
    Yeah, it's a shame the new phone comes with some baggage:

    Shaped like a brick
    Drops calls (antenna design)
    Shatters when you drop it
    Tired old OS

    ..but it's still desirable over all the other phones.

    Apple can fix some of these issues this summer, if they're not too smug to get off their high horse.

    Might want to climb off your own first, old boy ...

    Oct 29, 06:16 AM
    Are we talking about the FreeBSD license or the NetBSD license. The NetBSD license isn't free and that is what OSX is based off of and apple paid to use the license.

    OSX is based off FreeBSD and mach. Apple may have taken some code from NetBSD over the years but FreeBSD is the predominate source for the BSD layer. It's pretty common knowledge, it even used to be mentioned on Apple's website, although I don't know if it still is.

    The NetBSD licence is a BSD-style licence. That's a free licence. FreeBSD and NetBSD often use each other's code for various things. View the licences for yourself:


    If Apple did use any NetBSD code, they may possibly have made a donation to the NetBSD foundation but they certainly didn't "pay" for a licence.

    Apr 22, 11:16 AM
    Longer, healthier lives with more time to spend with family? Sounds horrendous.

    we'll see how france looks when the interest on their debt exceeds their GDP. Paid vacation has to end sometime

    Apr 5, 04:23 PM
    Would be LOL when this was a paid app :P